Our Impact

Why We Focus on Youth Development, Financial Security, Healthy Community & Community Resiliency

There are families and individuals every day facing a perfect storm of poverty, poor health, lack of education, and the feeling there’s no way out. That’s why United Way of Northern Cameron County focuses on complex social problems by surrounding local families and individuals with programs that make real progress in the areas of need.


We help improve educational successes and increase literacy in reading and writing for both children and adults in our community, providing greater opportunities for students and individuals.

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Access to good nutrition, physical activity, health care, safety from abuse and other programs help improve the health and well-being of families and individuals in our community.

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Financial Stability

Families and individuals are provided tools to better their life and community. Programs such as earning a GED, job skills training, and access to Free Tax Prep put our residents on the path to financial stability.

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Basic Needs

Our goal is to ensure hungry bellies are fed and warm beds are available for those in need, as well as to provide emergency assistance and support for families and individuals who need a helping hand.

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